“Eating a raw oyster is like french kissing a mermaid“ – Tom Robbins

There is nothing quite like a fresh oyster picked from the sea. The incredible taste of the salty brine (i.e., “liquor”) balanced by sweet, tender meat. There is nothing on Earth quite like it. Hemingway, Bourdain, Fitzgerald, and anyone who can appreciate great food and the local farm-to-table movement, will understand the experience I am trying to convey. Well, to achieve that feeling, look no further than Merry Oyster’s in Duxbury, run by Don Merry and Team.
Don Merry, a lifelong resident of Duxbury, has been growing oysters in Duxbury Bay since the early ’90s. After he sold his fish market, he dove head first into the shellfish industry and helped start Island Creek Oyster Company alongside Skip Bennett and Christian Horne. Through that effort, Don was afforded the opportunity to travel the country to offer restaurants and chefs a taste of Duxbury Bay’s briny bivalves, and be on the front lines of an emerging market and demand for fresh, quality, seafood.
Since day one, Don has been committed to offering the highest-quality product, works with a limited number of select chefs, and focuses on delivering the product fast, with a smile, and the utmost control over quality.
The reason Merry Oysters are so tasty and unique, is because of the fresh tidal cycles and salinity levels of beautiful Duxbury Bay (the oysters also clean the bay so it is a beautiful, continuous cycle).
Don, Lauren, and team are wonderful and gave me an incredible tour! Highly recommend their oysters!

Growing Oysters: The Farm-to-Table Process
Step 1: Seed
In the late spring tiny oysters (1.5mm) are received, known as seed, from hatcheries around the northeast coast. Upon receiving the seed, these babies are immediately put into our upweller system for the nursery phase of growing.

Step 2: Upweller
The floating upweller system, also known as a “FLUPSY”, is a dock that contains a trough which holds mesh bottomed silos and in turn hold seed. Constant water flows up through the mesh to the youngsters and they thrive in this rich environment. A water pump helps the continuation of nutrient water, oxygen flow, and removal of waste. Oysters feed on the algae in the water and can double their size in just one day.

Step 3: Grow Bags
Different size plastic mesh bags are utilized that range in mesh size from 4 mm. to 6 mm. to 23 mm. The faster growing oysters that have been graded from the upweller, are ready to move into 4 mm. mesh bags. Throughout the season the oysters are transferred to larger mesh bags to increase water flow.

Step 4: Cages
For maximum water flow, bottom cages are specifically spaced across a section of our lease. They sit on legs which ensure the oysters are off the mud during this phase of growing. Cages are specifically designed to hold eight mesh bags. Fouling organisms tend to grow on the bags so maintenance, such as flipping and shaking, are required frequently.

Step 5: Bottom Plant
Once the seed is about 1.5” it is ready to be planted on the floor of the Bay. The seed is poured from the mesh bags to totes and spread across a section of the Merry lease. As the oysters sit on the bottom of the Bay they will continue to grow, adding shell and healthy weight. They become dormant in the winter when the water temperature (38f) and food levels drop. Come spring, when the water in the bay begins to warm, they start steadily feeding and filtering again. Once the majority of oysters look to be market size, 3 inches from dorsal to ventral, the harvesting begins.

Step 6: Drag, Bag, and Market
A few days a month, Duxbury has tides that allow us to hand pick oysters from our grant, but most days we harvest using a dredge that drags behind the boat. The harvested oysters are brought to the processing site and culled. Size, weight, and shape are all considered when sorting through these plump prawns. The marketable oysters are put into 100 count bags and put on ice or refrigerated until delivery. Merry Oyster’s refrigerated van makes the trek to the fish pier in Boston where Legal Sea Foods then distributes the bags across it’s 35 restaurants. If you find yourself in a Legal Sea Foods, be sure to try Merry Oysters and enjoy a taste of Duxbury Bay. You can now purchase our quality oysters online during the months containing the letter “R”. Be sure to check out our online shop for more information!

Check out Merry Oysters – drop Don or Lauren a line, purchase some oysters, and definitely get a hat – they’re awesome!
Foodies South Shore